From the CEO and Principal

דוקטור ארתור בירם מייסד בית הספר הריאלי העברי בחיפה

Dear students, teachers, staff, parents, and graduates,
The Hebrew Real School, which is in the midst of the second century of its existence, has engraved on its flag to maintain a long-standing tradition whilst renewing itself, thus continuing to lead in teaching, learning and social involvement.
The school has more than 24,000 graduates who each contribute in their own way to Israeli society: in science, industry, culture, art, education, sports, and other areas of life. In this, they fulfill the vision of the school’s founding father, Dr. Arthir Biran, for educating generations of “excellent human beings who will be leaders wherever they are.”

We remember those who are no longer with us, the slain during the Israeli wars and victims of terrorist attacks, victims of accidents and illness who have passed away: graduates and students, teachers and workers. Each of them has a place in our hearts.

As a graduate of the Reali School with 12 years of schooling, a father of three children who are also school graduates, and a grandfather to our grandchildren studying in the school – I feel highly privileged to act as the CEO of this respected and veteran institution. Together with my colleagues on the educational and administrative staff – we will lead the school to face the challenges of the future. In this, we will, of course, need a constructive and full participation of the “school family”: students, parents, and graduates.

We are currently working on planning and preparing for the implementation of the “Reali 2030” program, which is built on advanced and forward-looking educational concepts. We strive to impart to our students with critical thinking abilities, creativity, and innovation as well as Tools for learning and working: linguistic, scientific, and mathematical literacy as well as teamwork skills. These will prepare graduates for living in a changing world that requires manifestations of personal and social responsibility, local and global citizenship alongside multicultural awareness and flexibility.

We are committed to doing so with love, responsibility, and professionalism.

Dr. Yossi Ben-Dov
the CEO and Principal