The process of students’ development over the years in the school culminates in the flowering space. A space that deals with the flowering of skills, knowledge, and abilities in an open campus approach that allows for differential learning with internal motivation and self-regulation, similar to the directions the academy has developed in recent years.
In this world, which relies on lifelong learning skills and self-regulation that we cultivate in students throughout the school years in the current outline, we can shape the flowering space as one that has more freedom of choice out of commitment and personal responsibility.
Following the broadening of horizons and the multidisciplinary exposure that the Budding Domain enables, the school sees the Flowering domain as the culmination and flowering of the development process of the two core capabilities embodied in the Reali 2030 program – the Lifelong Learning capabilities and motives and being value-driven for the betterment of society.
The Flowering domain provides students with the tools to take responsibility for their learning processes, and translate the learning skills they have acquired into academic excellence. In this, we further the InspiriMental learning spirit – combining inspiration and experimentation in each of the disciplines.
Focused matriculation preparatory efforts: The curriculum is planned in a way that allows the intensifying of study and practice areas towards matriculation exams ib each subject (whilst reducing other subjects during this preparatory period, to allow focusing). This also helps students regulate their efforts.
The Social Leadership Initiation track: This is a meaningful Leadership and Social contribution experience that the students are granted during the final semester of the school, within a framework of 2-3 days a week. The initiation track period allows all students of the school to experience a journey of personal development and social action built inspired by the world of preparatory schools. The content of the Leadership and Social Initiation Track is based on a year of preliminary planning and preparation led by the students which becomes an inseparable part of their leadership initiation.
Following are some main components which the Flowering domain aims to acquire its graduates:
Self-motivated and regulated learning, leading to academic excellence: The Flowering Domain is designed as an open campus that serves the culmination of self-regulated learning, also leading to Academic excellence – which characterizes the Reali school and its tradition. This is also an essential component (and indicator) for nurturing life-long learners.
Shape their personal development based on a moral compass: this approach sees a close connection between the personal values and code of honor that each student chooses and assimilates and their personal development. The ability to base those values on morally valid reasons will allow students to anchor them as a personal compass to guide their present and future actions. The practical expression of those values in the Flowering Domain finds fertile ground for the student’s development in the Leadership and Social Initiation Track in the final semester of their studies.
High literacy in the five ‘languages’: Literacy in essence is built on five main pillars: vocabulary, grammar comprehension, written and oral expression, reading comprehension, and cultural comprehension. The Reali school nurtures literacy in five languages: Hebrew, English, Arabic, Quantitative thinking, and Technology. Each of these languages has its own ‘vocabulary’, rules of expression, and culture, which we direct our students to be proficient in.
Here are some elements that characterize the application of these principles in the Flowering domain:
Between Freedom and Responsibility: The open campus’s basic approach is based on the concept of developing lifelong learning skills, and assumes that students at this age need to develop and experience personal responsibility for learning, as a basis for their future coping with a dynamic and changing world. Moreover, many of the students at this age have already experienced a variety of situations in which they have developed personal responsibility (such as instruction in youth movements, participation in sports groups, etc.). Against this background, the Flowering domain provides them multiple opportunities to exercise their freedom of choice in relation to the modes of learning, spaces for self-learning, and more. These also include the use of digital pedagogical tools within a blended learning approach. The learning processes are also monitored by advanced assessment pedagogies, to assist them and us in making sure that they are indeed making responsible use of this choice.
Regulation of matriculation exam dates in the core subjects: The flowering domain is designed to allow the regulation of matriculation exam dates in the core subjects in a way that will promote:
The focus of study efforts: A gradually increasing intensity of preparation for exam events and reducing the learning load through effort focus in a limited number of areas in each time period, for the purpose of preparation and practice aimed at the unique requirements and characteristics of the matriculation exams in each area.
Education classes combined with self-leadership: At the Flowering Domain, some of the education classes are conducted under the self-leadership of the students (accompanied by the educator).
Reinforcement of “coaching” teachers as needed: In consultation with the educators, students may choose to be assisted by “coaching teachers” who accompany them during these years in a range of areas, including time management, pedagogical guidance, task regulation, emotional conduct and more.
Laying the grounds for becoming involved and impactful value-driven members of society is the students’ “launching pad” for the next stage of their graduation while creating the conditions for meaningful military / civilian service.
The Social and Leadership Initiation Track allows all students of the school to experience a journey of personal development which includes broadening the horizons of students in topics such as Hebrew literature, citizenship, Zionism, history, politics and government, economics, philosophy, the Bible of the Jewish bookcase, and more.
All this while applying the principles of self-management and involvement of the students in the design and transfer of the content.
The initiation track includes several channels, which incorporate choices for students. Among these channels:
- Tours in Israel, while getting acquainted with its historical and social fabric, with an emphasis on the Israel Trail
- Projects of contribution to the community based on deepening awareness of social needs.
- Exploration missions for in-depth knowledge of the Land of Israel, its origins, and heritage
- Projects of social and environmental entrepreneurship in response to the evolving needs of society.