Registration – information for prospective students
We appreciate your interest in enrolling your child to our school and thank you for deciding to see us as your partners in the greatest and most important investment in your child’s education.
We understand that choosing the right school is one of the biggest decisions one can make for one’s children.
Below you will find answers to frequently asked questions that you might encounter during the process of registration:
For more information you can call our registration department at:
1-800-797-797 or via E-mail Here.
when does registration open?
The registration for the Reali Hebrew school for 2023-2024 opens on Thursday, Jan 5th at 09:00 am.
Which classes are open for registration?
In general, the Hebrew Reali school enrolls children for kindergarten, first grade (א) and again at seventh grade (ז).
Enrollment for classes grade 2 (ב) till grade six (ו) – is subject to availability only.
Unfortunately, it isn’t possible to register from grade 8 (ח) due to lack of space.
How can I get a sense of what the Reali school is all about in order to form an impression of the school?
Realigan – Kindergartens network – “The Plowing Domain”:
- An introduction meeting will take place on Thursday, 15th of December at 19:30 pm on Zoom. In this meeting we will present our childcare network, we will tell you about the different kindergartens that are located in our schools around Haifa and we will meet the staff headed by Dr Ayelet Eisenberger.
- An open house visit will take place on Friday December 16th in two rounds:
08:30 am and 10:30 am at each childcare site: Ahuza, Beit Biram and Matos
Primary schools – Classes 1-4 – “The Seeding Domain”:
- Classes 1-4 ((א-ד – An introduction meeting will take place for all primary schools (Ahuza, Hadar and Matos) on Wednesday December 28th on Zoom.
17:30 pm – Ahuza
18:45 pm – Matos
20:00 pm – Hadar
Links will be added
- Open House – a physical tour of the school’s facilities:
At Hadar Primary school – Thursday December 29th in two rounds: 09:30 am and 11:30 am.
At Ahuza and Matos – Friday December 30th in three rounds: 08:30,10:00 and 11:30 am
Middle schools –Classes 5-7 (ה-ז) – “The Germination Domain”:
Classes 5-7 (ה-ז) – An introduction meeting will take place for all middle schools (Ahuza, Hadar and Matos) on Tuesday December 27th on Zoom.
17:30 pm – Ahuza
18:45 pm – Matos
20:00 pm – Hadar
Links will be added
- Open House – a physical tour of the school’s facilities:
Hadar Middle school – Thursday December 29th in two rounds: 08:30 am and 10:30 am.
Ahuza and Matos – Thursday December 29th in three rounds: 08:30,10:00 and 11:30 am
What should I know about Registration to Realigan? (Kindergarten network)
- Realigan Beit Biram is for children that were born between 2018-2020
- Realign Ahuza is for children that were born between 2018-2019
- Realigan Matos is for children that were born between 2018-2019
- Because of lack of space, we won’t be able to accept everyone – please take that into consideration as you enroll.
- The childcare hours are from 07:00-17:00
- The vacations are in conjunction will all daycare vacations in Israel with a few minor adjustments. Exact dates will be sent before the year commences.
- The Realigan network enrolls children that have been vaccinated by the Israeli vaccination program determined by Israeli health department.
- Please be advised that the move from kindergarten to the first grade of elementary school is not automatic and will require the approval of an evaluation committee.
How many days a week will your children study?
Primary schools Classes 1-4 (א-ד) – “The Seeding Domain”:
Ahuza branch and Matos branch – the children study six days a week.
Hadar branch – the children study five days a week (Sunday to Thursday)
Middle schools Classes 5-7 (ה-ז) – “The Germination Domain”:
All branches of the Reali Hebrew school study five days a week (Ahuza, Matos, Hadar and Beit Biram).
What does the registration process entail?
The process involves a few steps:
Step 1
- Registration fee is 350 shekels and will be received after a parental agreement is signed accepting all school rules and regulations (the school rules and regulations can be found at the school’s website). Along with registration the following forms need to be submitted.
- Identification card of one of the parents with the slip that has the children’s information on it
- A photograph of the candidate
- Diagnosis of learning disability (if any)
- Candidates for the second grade and up will bring diplomas from the last two years.
- Candidates for the Realigan will produce a vaccination report from Tipat Halav of Kopat Holim.
- In case of the candidate’s parents are not married to one another an approval must be filled in this link and then sent to us via Email [email protected]
- Applications will be handled only after all papers arrive.
Step 2 – Lottery
- We will hold a lottery in the case of surplus registration for grades 1 and 7 (א או ז)
- The lottery will include candidates that registered on the 5th of January by 13:00.
- Candidates that have siblings already in the Reali school will be forwarded automatically to start the process.
- A candidate that is drawn from the lottery will be forwarded to start the process as described below.
- Candidates that are not drawn in the lottery will receive a note and the registration fee will be returned to them – the outcome is final and nonnegotiable. We will then offer the chance to enroll in another Reali branch subject to availability only.
- Classes 2- 6 (ב-ו) – won’t have a lottery, a candidate must register on the 5th of January as soon as registration opens (09:00am).
Step 3 – Diploma approval
- The diplomas of the Candidates from the second until the seventh grade (ב’-ז’) will be reviewed. The Reali’s management will decide who will continue in the registration process and who will stop.
Step 4 – Interviews
- To Realign –
candidates that were drawn in the lottery will be invited to group meetings.
The parents will receive a form to fill in and will be invited to a meeting to match expectations – attendance is mandatory.
The children’s meetings and the parents meeting will take place at the end of January until mid-February. More information will be sent out.
- To first grade (כיתה א) –
candidates that were drawn in the lottery will be invited to group meetings: “Reali’s first step”, 3-4 meetings with teachers and staff members. During the meetings we will see if the candidate is ready for the next step into school and the first grade.
The parents will be invited to meeting to match expectations – attendance is mandatory.
The children’s meetings and the parents meeting will take place around February. More information will be sent.
- Second until six Grade (ב-ו) –
Candidates will be invited to an evaluation process to check their level of learning on different topics (according to their age). More information will be given in advance.
- Seventh Grade (ז) –
Candidates will be invited to an interview and a test (given by an external organization).
The test challenges the candidates and no preparation is needed.
Step 5 – evaluation committee
- To Realigan and the first Grade (א):
The committee will assemble as all the information is gathered and will decide if the candidate is mature enough to register.
A full report will be sent as the committee sums up its findings and a letter will be sent to the candidates.
- Second Grade and up (מכיתה ב ומעלה):
All information about candidates is gathered at the registration committee, in the event of a vacant spot,– the committee will decide who will be accepted according to the information collected on the candidate.
Does the school have a transportation system?
The school offers transportation to Hadar branch alone (for extra charge) and the route is set according to the children’s home location.
The school can change the route according to new students houses. Any change in the routes will be reported the children and their parents.
Enclosed you can see the routes:
Kiriat Yam, Kiriat Motzkin, Western Kiriat Haim
סביוני ים, נווה גנים, יגאל אלון, החשמונאים, ז’בוטינסקי (רכבת), פסגות ים, קריית ים משה שרת, קריית חיים מערבית בית אלפא.
East Kiriat Haim
רח’ גושן, מרכז רסקו, אח”י אילת, צומת הצריף.
חיפה – חטיבת כרמלי
Acre and Kiriat Bialik
עכו – ויצמן, דושניצקי, צומת הום סנטר.
קרית ביאליק – צור שלום, גבעת הרקפות, שבטי ישראל, שכונת סבינייה, צומת מוצארט.
Kiriat Ata
גבעת אלונים, גבעת טל, גבעת רם, מרכז קריית אתא, קריית בנימין.
Atlit and western Haifa neighborhoods
עתלית – שכונת הריף, גבעת הפרחים, המחתרות, דרך הים, שכונת הגורן, עתלית החדשה.
חיפה – שער העלייה, קריית שפרינצק, רמת שאול.
Merkaz Hacarmel and southern Haifa
נאות פרס, נווה דוד, רמת הנשיא, מרכז הכרמל, רמת הדר.
Denya and Ahuza
סביוני דניה (רח’ התאנה), דניה מרכז מסחרי ב’, ציר אבא חושי, רמת בגין, פיק”א, רח’ הראל, כיכר ורדיה.
Tirat Hacarmel and Kiriat Eliezer
חיפה – שדרות ההגנה, שדרות רוטשילד, הגפן.
טירת כרמל – גלי כרמל, ציר ז’בוטינסקי, נווה אליאס, רמת בגין, שכונת רמב”ם, נאות כרמל, ציר הרצל.
Tirat Hacarmel
שכונת גיורא, נווה גלים, שכונת בן-צבי, שכונת אילת הכרמל, שכונת אשכול, שכונת רמת בגין, נווה אליאס, ציר הרצל.
שכונת ורד העמקים, שכונת גבעת אלונים, שכונת שער הגיא, שכונת גבעת יערה, שכונת המושבה החדשה גגות ירוקים, שכונת רמת יוקנעם (רחוב האלונים), שכונת נוף העמק, המושבה.
גבעת נשר, שכונת תל – חנן, רמות יצחק, ציר הטכניון, מרכז זיו, רמת חן, רמת ספיר.
Ramat Almogi, Ramat Alon, Neve Shaanan
שכונת רמת אלמוגי, שכונת רמת אלון, אינטרנציונל, חנקין, שכונת נווה שאנן, נווה יוסף, חליסה.
Ramat Yishai and Kiriat Tivon
רמת ישי, טבעון קריית חרושת, קריית עמל, כפר חסידים.
Zichron Yaacov and the Carmel coast area
Carmel coast area – the Bus will take the children from the bus stop on route 4 only and will not enter the yishovim.
זיכרון יעקב – כיכר הראשונים, צומת מעין צבי, גבעת עדן, כיכר בי”ס החורש.
- We can not guarantee that changes made by the family or late registration to the service after the beginning of the year will be fulfilled.
- Transportation to Ahuza and Matos branches is the parent’s responsibility.
What should I do after receiving the letter of acceptance to the school?
First – Be happy!
It is our privilege to be a house of education for your children.
After receiving the letter of acceptance, you must take care of all the obligations according to the letter which is a condition to reserving a spot in our school.
To our great regret we won’t be able to reserve a spot for candidates who did not fulfill all the requirements.
What is the tuition fee?
The tuition fee will be soon be updated.
Does the Reali school have a discount policy?
- Realigan – discount for child care is for candidates who:
- Have another sibling attending school – 10%
- For twins attending child care / of another sibling in child care – 20%
From first grade (מכיתה א ואילך ) and on for families who have more than one child attending school. The discount is:
- For second sibling – 6%
- For third sibling – 25%
- For fourth sibling and on – 60%
Discounts will be given to the younger child
Personal discount:
Will be given according to socioeconomic status and followed by filling in a request form.